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Tips to prevent swimmers' ear

Learn how to protect your family from developing swimmers' ear.

May 03, 2023

Summer means fun in the cool water, but that can quickly fade if you bring home some of that water — trapped in your ear. Here are ways to stay clear of swimmers’ ear.

“Swimmer’s ear” or otitis externa is an infection of the outer ear canal. Symptoms of swimmer’s ear usually appear within a few days of swimming and include:

  • Itchiness inside the ear.
  • Redness and swelling of the ear.
  • Pain when the infected ear is tugged or when pressure is placed on the ear.
  • Pus draining from the infected ear.
  • Sound is muffled.

“Although all age groups are affected by swimmer’s ear, it is more common in children and can be extremely painful,” says Dr. Lillian Blue, a pediatric hospitalist at Wesley Children’s Hospital. “We usually provide antibiotic ear drops to help clear up the infection and advise you stay out of the water during treatment.”

How is swimmer’s ear spread in the places we swim?

Luckily swimmers’ ear cannot spread from person to person. It develops when water stays in the ear canal for long periods of time, allowing for germs to grow and infect the skin.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s a long day at the pool or a quick dip in the lake, any time there’s moisture in the ear canal, your child is at risk for this infection,” says Dr. Blue. “When you have water sitting in the ear canal for a period of time, bacteria are able to grow in it and invade the skin.”

Is there a difference between a childhood middle ear infection and swimmer’s ear?

Dr. Blue says swimmer’s ear is not the same as the common childhood middle ear infection. If you can wiggle the outer ear without pain or discomfort then your ear condition is probably not swimmer’s ear.

How do I protect my family from swimmers’ ear?

Dr. Blue offers six tips to prevent swimmers’ ear:

  1. Wear earplugs when swimming. Ear plugs block excess water from entering the ear and decrease risk of infection.
  2. Use ear drops. You can buy ear drops that help prevent swimmers’ ear.
  3. Teach your child to dry her ears, especially after swimming. Make this a habit as lots of kids dry off their face and body, but forget their ears. Teach your child to dry his ears first, when the towel is dry, and then continue with the rest of his body. It also helps to tilt his head to each side while gently pulling the ear lobe down. This opens the ear canal so water can drain out.
  4. Ear wax is ok. Don’t aggressively clean your child’s ears with cotton swabs. Ear wax helps protect your ear canal from infection and it repels water. Too much ear wax can trap water, however. Talk to your doctor about excessive ear wax.
  5. Limit outdoor use of large headphones. The hot, humid environment they create in the ear canal can promote bacterial growth. Ear buds pose less of a risk, as long as kids aren’t sharing them.
  6. Avoid excessive showering. Kids often take two showers a day in the summer, giving water more opportunities to build up in the ear canal.

Find out more information about Wesley Children’s Hospital and its services.

May 03, 2023

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